Phytotoxicity of Tetracycline and Amoxicillin on Vigna radiata and its Remediation Potential in Hydroponic System


  • Ekta Bhatt



Tetracycline, Amoxicillin, Flavonoid, phenolic content, Phytoremediation and Vigna radiata.


The current study aimed to evaluate the phytotoxicity of tetracycline and amoxicillin on Vigna radiata and its remediation potential in hydroponic system. Germinated seeds of Vig-na radiata were planted with varying concentra-tions of tetracycline and amoxicillin (150 – 500 mg L−1) in triplicates (n=3) for three weeks. Tox-icity biomarkers, i.e. changes in plant biomass, photosynthetic pigment, phenol, flavonoid con-tent and antioxidative enzymes were estimated after completion of 3 weeks. The results illus-trated that high tetracycline concentration (500 mg L-1) in hoagland media resulted decrease in total chlorophyll content (3.045- 2.252 mg total chlorophyll /g tissue) while in case of amoxicillin, chlorophyll content was increased (5.18 - 7.309 mg total chlorophyll /g tissue). Carotenoid, Total flavonoid and phenolic content, were also sig-nificantly (p < 0.05) reduced due to toxicity of these antibiotics. Antioxidant enzyme like cata-lase showed 7.22 % degradation in their activity with highest concentration (500 mg kg-1) of tet-racycline and 27.3 % degradation was found in case of amoxicillin. Glutathione peroxidase ac-tivity was also decreased in both of the cases. Subsequently, the Vigna radiata showed 63% remediation potential with tetracycline and 93 % in case of amoxicillin. Hence, overall results indicate that, the phytoremediation rate shown by Vigna radiata is very promising and these antibiotics also showed its toxicological impact on plants.

Author Biographies

Ekta Bhatt

Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information TechnologyA-10, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309

Department of Biotechnology, Jaypee Institute of Information TechnologyA-10, Sector-62, NOIDA-201309

Root and Shoot length of Vigna radiata exposed with the different concentration of TetracyclineFigure.




How to Cite

Bhatt, E. ., & Gauba, P. . (2021). Phytotoxicity of Tetracycline and Amoxicillin on Vigna radiata and its Remediation Potential in Hydroponic System. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 15(3), 299–314.