Author Guidelines

This journal is a complete member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and its editorial board strictly adheres to its policies and principles.

Disclosure of Conflict of Interest

It is imperative for authors to fully declare any financial and personal affiliations with individuals or entities that may exert undue influence on their work, potentially leading to bias. Illustrative instances of plausible conflicting interests encompass several factors such as professional affiliations, advisory roles, equity holdings, financial compensations, expert testimonies for remuneration, intellectual property rights in the form of patent applications or registrations, and acquisition of grants or alternative sources of financial support. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in two specific locations: 1. The inclusion of a summary declaration of interest statement is required either on the title page file (in the case of double anonymization) or within the manuscript file (in the case of single anonymization). If the individual has no interests to disclose, kindly indicate so. Conflict of Interest Statement: No declarations of interest were made. 2. Elaborate disclosures are included in a distinct Declaration of Interest form, constituting an integral component of the journal's official documentation. Declaring possible interests in both locations is important, ensuring the information provided is consistent and aligned.


All authors should have had substantial input towards the work's research and/or writing. Thus, their respective contributions should be acknowledged. Including the disclaimer that "all authors have approved the final article" is required.

Changes to authorship

Before submitting their manuscript, authors are expected to thoroughly consider the list and order of authors and provide the definitive list of authors at the time of the initial submission. Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should only occur prior to the manuscript's acceptance and with the Editor's approval. To request such a change, the corresponding author must submit the following to the Editor: (a) the reason for the change in the author list, and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from each author that they concur with the addition, deletion, or rearrangement. In the event that an author is added or removed, this includes confirmation from the added or removed author.

The Editor will only consider authors' addition, deletion, or rearrangement after the manuscript has been accepted under exceptional circumstances. The publication of the manuscript will be halted while the Editor considers the request. If the manuscript has already been published in an online issue, and the Editor approves the request, a corrigendum will be issued.

Copy protection

Authors will be required to execute a 'License Agreement' upon article acceptance (see details). This implies that the submitted manuscript is permissible to utilize open access and is accessible freely by anyone.


Pls mention the source of the financial support for the research and/or article preparation and briefly describe their role in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, report writing, and publication decision. If no funding is obtained, the same can be mentioned as "No funding source applicable."


For submission and technical support or editorial process and questions, including manuscript status. pls write to "" only. 

Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts to the journal for consideration.

Initial Evaluation: The editor reviews the manuscript initially. They assess its suitability for the journal's scope, quality, and adherence to guidelines.

Decision: Based on the initial evaluation, the Editor can make one of several decisions:

Reject: If the manuscript doesn't meet the journal's standards or is outside its scope.

Send for Review: If the manuscript shows potential and needs further evaluation by an external 

Peer review process.

Desk Reject: The manuscript submitted can be rejected at the initial stage if the Editor  finds that the manuscript is out of the journal's scope, quality, and adherence to guidelines. 

Peer Review: If the manuscript is sent for review, it undergoes a peer review process where external experts in the field evaluate the manuscript's content, methodology, and significance.

Final Decision: Based on the feedback from peer reviewers, the Editor makes a final decision, which could be acceptance, rejection, or revision.

The decision-making process will not provide a detailed explanation for rejections at the initial stage. The rejection can also be due to a high volume of submissions. However, if your manuscript does progress to peer review, you can usually expect more constructive feedback from the peer reviewers.

Manuscript skeleton 

Subdivision - numbered sections

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should not be numbered. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.


State the work's objectives and provide appropriate background information without avoiding a lengthy literature survey or a description of the outcomes.

Methods and materials

Provide enough information for an independent researcher to replicate the work. Methods that have already been published should be summarized and referenced. When directly quoting from a previously published method, use quotation marks and cite the source. Any changes to existing methods should also be documented.

Results and Discussion

The outcomes should be clear and straight forward.

This should investigate the relevance of the work's results rather than simply repeating them. A section that combines the Results and Discussion is frequently suitable. Extensive citations and discussion of published material should be avoided.


The study's major findings can be given in a brief Conclusions section that can stand alone or as a subsection of a Discussion or Results and Discussion section.


The reference should be as per Harvard and should follow the numbering patter in the running text of the manuscript (Eg (1), (2), (3), (4,5,6,7) ---- etc) (If the manuscript preparation will not follow this rule, the paper will be rejected)

Ammulu, M.A., Viswanath, K.V., Giduturi, A.K., Vemuri, P.K., Mangamuri, U. and Poda, S. (2021). Phytoassisted synthesis of magnesium oxide nanoparticles from Pterocarpus marsupium rox. b heartwood extract and its biomedical applications. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, 19(1):21.

Swamy, M.K. and Akhtar, M.S. eds. (2019). Natural Bio-Active Compounds: Volume 2: Chemistry, Pharmacology and Health Care Practices. Springer Nature.

Rinschen, M.M., Ivanisevic, J., Giera, M. and Siuzdak, G. (2019). Identification of bioactive metabolites using activity metabolomics. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology20(6), pp.353-367.

Kobayashi, J. and Ishibashi, M., 1993. Bioactive metabolites of symbiotic marine microorganisms. Chemical Reviews93(5), pp.1753-1769.

Title page 

• Title. Brief and instructive as it is employed for information retrieval systems,  

• Author names and affiliations. Clearly state each author's given name(s) and family name(s), and make sure all names are spelled correctly. The English transliteration can be followed by your name in your own script, which is enclosed in parenthesis. Place the affiliation addresses of the authors (where the work was completed) below the names. After the author's name and before the relevant address, place a lowercase superscript letter to indicate all affiliations. Include each affiliation's complete postal address, along with the name of the nation and, if available, the author's email address.

• Corresponding author. Clearly state who will manage correspondence during refereeing, publishing, and post-publication. This involves addressing questions pertaining to Methodology and Materials. Provide an email address and phone numbers .

• Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in the article was done or was visiting at the time, a 'Present address' (or 'Permanent address') may be indicated as a footnote to that author's name. The address at which the author actually did the work must be retained as the main affiliation address. Superscript Arabic numerals are used for such footnotes.


A brief, accurate abstract is needed. The abstract should concisely describe the research's objective, main findings, and conclusions. An abstract must be able to stand alone because it is often given separately from the article. Avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations, but define them at their first mention in the abstract.


Immediately after the abstract, list no more than six keywords.  


Acknowledgements should be placed at the conclusion of the article before the references, not on the title page, footnotes, or otherwise. List those who helped with the research.

Funding source formatting

List funding sources to ensure no compliance with funder requirements:

Funding: This work was supported by the CSIR [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy], UGC [grant number zzzz], and DBT[grant number].

If no funding has been provided for the research, it is recommended to include the following sentence: No funding was received.


Please submit the figures in JPEG or TIFF with 300 dpi along with the figures legend written as (Figure: ____________________)

Figure captions

The figure caption should not be included in the figure. It should be written at the bottom of the corresponding figure with a continuous numbering as (Figure 1, Figure 3 -----Figure 7, etc.) 

All the figures should be placed in the appropriate sections of the manuscript, along with the table legend at the bottom.  


All tables should be submitted in editable text and not as images. Tables should be placed at the relevant text in the article only. The table numbering should be given in accordance with their appearance in the text, such as (Table 1 with the table caption on top of the table, table 2: Table 3 -------Table 9, etc.  

All the tables should be placed in the appropriate sections of the manuscript, along with the table legend on the top.