Emergent Roles of Garlic-Based Nanoparticles for Bio-medical Applications -A Review


  • Suresh Babu Naidu Krishna




Antimicrobial, bioactives, antioxidant, antibiofilm, health benefits, Natural products


Garlic (Allium sativum L.) is well renowned for its antimicrobial potential and broadly consumed spice globally for its medicinal properties. Moreover, several studies advocate that garlic contains many bioactives that demonstrate strong therapeutic properties in treating cardiovascular diseases, digestive system, diabetes, cancer, obesity, hypertension, inflammation, antioxidant, and viral infection. Presently, therapeutics of natural origin are drawing major interest among consumers due to their antimicrobial efficacy and safety. Garlic extracts, chitosan by- products, several spices and antimicrobial peptides are illustrations for such products. The present review paper inspects briefly the major active ingredients and key biological functions of garlic-based nanoparticles discussing the relevant mechanisms of actions.

Author Biography

Suresh Babu Naidu Krishna

Research and Postgraduate Support, Durban University of Technology, Durban-4000, South Africa.

Biomedical applications of garlic based nanoparticles




How to Cite

Krishna, S. B. N. . (2021). Emergent Roles of Garlic-Based Nanoparticles for Bio-medical Applications -A Review. Current Trends in Biotechnology and Pharmacy, 15(3), 349–360. https://doi.org/10.5530/ctbp.2021.3.35